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Sunday 9th February 10:30am Morning Worship
Transformation Through Christ
(Romans 12:1-21)
Welcome to Mountsorrel Baptist church.
Mountsorrel Baptist Church is a group of Bible based believers from all different walks of life who enjoy meeting together to share in the worship and service of Jesus Christ. We seek to be an encouragement to each other in our spiritual growth but also be involved in the community in which we live and to share our faith with others. If you are not a regular “church goer” but would like to find out more we trust you would feel a genuine welcome to our informal friendly services. Our building is open throughout the week for various activities (see calendar page) if you would like to find out more without coming to a service or would like someone to pray with you we are open for coffee and a chat and a warm space on Saturday mornings between 10:00am and 12:00pm
A communion service is held on the first Sunday of each month where we invite anyone who knows and loves Jesus to partake in this act of communion. An all age service is held on the fourth Sunday of each month.
Kidz Klub is in action on the second Sunday of each month from 3:00pm – 5:00pm for any children of primary school age offering puppet shows, games and crafts incorporating the gospel message.
If for any reason you are unable to come, our services will continue to be recorded and can be listened to live by clicking onto the link below where they will be available for the following week.
For a download of our newsletter please go to our calendar page.
Watch the Latest Service - February 9 2025
Watch the Previous Service - February 2 2025